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"Twenty-seven years of teaching, you want some recognition. Nobody paid me a scrap of attention. And you write one book, boom, you're in the public eye." | |
-- Frank McCourt, winner of the 1997 Pulitzer Prize for biography; quoted New York Times of Tuesday, April 8, 1997, p.A2 |
An article in The New York Times (Monday, November 18, 1996, page A1) pointed out something that you already know. The headline read,
In recent years, rising costs for paper, printing, shipping, and labor have forced university presses to drastically curtail the number of titles that they will publish. At the same time, mergers among -- and the resultant, increasingly profit-driven orientation of -- commercial houses have virtually eliminated "traditional" publishers from any market that cannot promise the potential to generate million sellers.
Perhaps we have a solution. The Great American Publishing Society (GR.AM.P.S.) is extremely interested in supporting the academic market. We firmly believe that the free exchange of ideas among individuals of leaning -- particularly among men and women in a position to disseminate their learning at the university level -- is essential to humanity's continuing progress. (Sounds old fashioned, we know; but would you be teaching if you didn't agree?)
We believe that publishing and
distributing scholarly material in electronic format is the wave of the future
(if you have any doubts, then please read
"The Rationale behind
Electronic Publishing" when you return to our Home Page).
[While that future wave is still arriving, however,
we will, upon request, in most cases, provide the authors of our
Electronic Books and the institutions at which they teach with one complete
printed copy for off-line reading and grant the right to print up to 10 pages
once a term for dissemination as part of a registered course. Contact GR.AM.P.S.
for details.]
There is never a charge to our
for publication of noteworthy material with
Naturally, a small Society such as ours cannot have a staff qualified to evaluate scholarly material in every discipline. (We do seek qualified volunteers to serve on such a committee, in a purely advisory capacity.)
Therefore, when submitting a manuscript for publication (except for "creative" works, such as literary fiction, poetry, and drawing/paintings) we ask that you recommend one or more tenured faculty members who might be in a position to comment on your submission or, preferably, to write the Introduction. Naturally, those faculty members recommending a work for publication need not agree with every facet of a manuscript's thesis, but should believe that the manuscript deserves to be disseminated for evaluation and discussion.
Please email us a standard Query Letter (which should contain a brief description of the work and something about you, the author) along with a representative sample of the work. For poetry, please start with 2 to 5 poems; for fiction please start with your opening paragraphs and a representative chapter. In either case, we will contact you about submitting a fuller segment of your work.
Are you a little unsure about what we mean by a Query Letter... or what we expect to find in one? Click here for a "Quick Introduction to the World of Publishing."
Please email us a standard Query Letter (which should contain a brief description of the work and something about you, the author) along with a representative sample of the work. Please also suggest one or more tenured faculty members, as described above, who might be willing to comment on your manuscript or, perhaps, to write the Introduction. These individuals may be from your institution or any regionally accredited (in the United States or equivalent accreditation if outside the U.S.) institution.
We normally try to acknowledge preliminary submissions within 5 business days. Once we receive all requested materials, we normally make final decisions within two weeks.
Click here to email our editors about
a submission.
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